A downloadable game

*No demo yet, I'm still working on the prototype*

This is a 3D exploration game focusing on changing the player’s mental map rather than the world map. The map never changes, but various paths from a central location will be accessible based on the equipment the player has.  The main goal is to gather items and debuffs (curses) to bring back to the central hub area, where they sell to the chef to cook in a daily cycle. The income gained equals better equipment, which allows the player to access further areas. 


As the player explores these paths, they choose to pick up curses; easily curable debuffs that limit their movement or actions in some way. The incentive for getting these is that curses are income multipliers.  As the player explores and gathers items, they sell them to the chef back in the central hub location. Curses will multiply the amount of money gained, fast-tracking them to better equipment and new areas to explore. But because they are easily remove, the player needs to actively work towards getting them back home without losing them, which could mean taking the long way home instead of the shortcuts they used to explore.

MovementLeft Thumb StickWASD
JumpSouth Button (Xbox = A)Space
InteractWest Button (Xbox = X)E
Items MenuRight Menu Button (Xbox = Menu)Tab
Pause MenuLeft Menu Button (Xbox = Change View)Escape

Current Progress

Just implemented the health UI. Going to work on the curses system next then adding some more  shops and NPCs. Getting close to a full prototype! 


Kenney's 1-Bit Pack: https://www.kenney.nl/assets/bit-pack

Catlike Coding's Movement Tutorials: https://catlikecoding.com/unity/tutorials/movement/

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